PAYE Healthchecks

The purpose of our PAYE Healthcheck is to identify any issues in your payroll systems and procedures before HMRC does!

Our health checks to ensure that your PAYE records are picking up all the benefits requiring disclosure on Forms P11D.

When you get a letter from HM Revenue & Customs advising of a PAYE Compliance visit you would probably think it’s your wages records and payroll software they want. Whilst they will look at these it is the remainder of your records they want to see if unreported benefits in kind exist.

Should this be the case you as the employer will be asked to settle the underpaid tax of your employee plus penalties for failing to complete correctly your P11d forms.

The purpose of our service is to advise you of any problems before HM Revenue & Customs do so that any errors may be put right and correct forms filed in future to minimise the level of any potential penalty.

We provide this service by visiting you to inspect your records from which to produce a report of findings including recommendations for future policy.

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Meet The Experts

Lisa Greenwood - Lambert Chapman Partner

Lisa Greenwood

Partner FCCA

Nick Forsyth - Lambert Chapman Managing Partner

Nick Forsyth

Managing Partner FCA

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