Firm News

A little bit of everything, written by the Lambert Chapman team. Join in the conversation, we would love to hear from you.

Paul Short: The Rational Investor

Share valuations are always challenging, particularly those involving the valuation of a minority share interest and each set of circumstances is different. Even so, one finds that many valuers adopt a mechanical and formulaic approach to this process. One selects a...

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Personal Service Company Contracts

After recent IR35 cases have been decided, certainly Christa Ackroyd Media Limited, it has been suggested in the media and in articles that perhaps the contract should have been written in a better way.  It has also been suggested that perhaps had Christa Ackroyd had...

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Impact of Dividend Tax on Share Valuations

For many years accountants have advised owner managers to adopt a reward structure of low salary/high dividend when they are operating through a limited company. This nostrum has had a consequent influence on the valuations when we have to value a minority interest in...

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